
Vztah mezi využíváním ICT studenty a jejich školním výkonem

19.8.2019 - Digitální technologie v každodenním životě a učení studentů (výzkum)

Studie s názvem The relationship between students’ ICT use and their school performance: Evidence from PISA 2015 in the Czech Republic vyšla v časopisu Orbis Scholae.


In the last decades, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), have become recognized as an important and integral part of life as well as education. At the same time, the implementation and the use of ICT in schools is one of the longstanding strategic objectives and priorities in education policy in the Czech Republic. However, up to now, rather little attention has been paid to the research on the use of digital technologies in Czech schools with regard to students’ performance. The purpose of the present study is therefore to investigate various ICT related factors associated with the school performance of students in the Czech Republic. Specifically, this study takes data from the latest Program for International Student Assessment (PISA 2015) and aims to determine the extent to which the availability and the use of ICT in school and at home affect students’ educational achievements. Results of this study can provide substantial implications and suggestions for national ICT policies (especially Strategy of Digital Education until 2020).

Jde o jeden z dalších výsledků našeho výzkumu Digitální technologie v každodenním životě a učení studentů (2017-2019), který je podporován Grantovou agenturou ČR (číslo projektu 17-06152S).