
ECER 2015: Analyzing Interaction Between Students In Online Discussion Forums Using Social Network Analysis

7.9.2015 - Různé

Druhý příspěvek na konferenci ECER se bude věnovat výzkumu e-learningu či přesněji interakci studentů v online fórech. Při výzkumu jsme využili poněkud jinou metodu a do jisté míry netradiční metodu (oproti dřívějším výzkumům realizovaným na naší fakultě).

In our paper, special attention deserves a subset of the area of learning analytics that is focused on learning as a social activity. This subfield of LA is called Social Learning Analytics (SLA) and it uses methods such as social network analysis (SNA) or discourse and content analysis. Design and methodology of our study is therefore based on quantitative methods of social learning analytics, especially on SNA. Data for the analysis come from the learning management system (LMS) Moodle used at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic), more specifically from the discussion forums of the selected courses.

This paper examines how SNA methods, techniques and tools can be used to better understanding of learning and collaboration in discussion forums in online courses. It gives introduction into this relatively new research approach and it discusses some related methodological questions and issues. It also presents partial results of a research on the types of person-to-person interactions in online discussion forums that are used as learning tools in online and blended courses taught at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno through the LMS Moodle.

More information – here.