
New research project: Everyday life of basic schools in the normalization period as seen by teachers. Applying oral history to research in history of contemporary education

11.3.2014 - Každodenní život základní školy v období normalizace pohledem učitelů. Využití orální historie při studiu soudobých dějin školství (výzkumný projekt GAČR)

The project focuses on research in contemporary history of basic schools. The main project objective is to explore and describe everyday life of basic schools during the so-called normalization (1969-1989). The research in educational history will be based on the use of oral history. For this purpose, we will a) elaborate the theory and methodology of oral history with a view to the project´s specific focus as well as reflecting the current situation in methodology educational history research; b) and subsequently use research in educational history to explore and describe the everyday life of basic schools during normalization including teachers´ life and work. This knowledge will be grounded in a broader context of development and transformations of the then society and the socialist education system.